Acid Reflux Can Cause a False Positive on a Breathalyzer

You might be surprised to learn that acid reflux disease can cause a false positive on a breathalyzer test. For those who have been charged with a DUI in Illinois because of their acid reflux disease, it can be a frustrating and confusing experience.

Keep reading to learn more about how acid reflux can lead to a false positive on a breathalyzer test and what you can do about it.

How Can Acid Reflux Contribute to a Breathalyzer False Positive?

When you blow into a breathalyzer, it measures the amount of alcohol in your breath. However, it doesn’t distinguish between the alcohol that is in your system and the alcohol in your mouth. This is where acid reflux comes into play.

Acid reflux occurs when the contents of your stomach back up into your esophagus and mouth. This can include stomach acid, bile, and partially digested food particles. If you have acid reflux and blow into a breathalyzer, the alcohol in your mouth from your reflux can lead to a false positive reading.

Other Medical Conditions Can Cause False Positives

Acid reflux isn’t the only medical condition that can cause a false positive on a breathalyzer test. Diabetes, for example, can also lead to inaccurate readings. If you have a medical condition that can cause a false positive, it’s important to bring this up with your attorney and work with a medical professional to build a defense.

Defending Against Evidence Based on a False Positive Breathalyzer Test

The good news is that there are ways to defend yourself against a false positive on a breathalyzer test due to acid reflux.

One strategy is to conduct a blood test, which is a more accurate way to determine blood alcohol content (BAC). Unlike a breathalyzer, a blood test can distinguish between alcohol that is in your mouth and alcohol that is in your bloodstream. This can provide a more accurate reading of your BAC and can help you fight against inaccurate breathalyzer readings.

Another strategy is to argue that the breathalyzer machine was faulty or not calibrated correctly. Breathalyzer machines require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure accurate readings. If the machine was not calibrated correctly, it can lead to false positives. Your attorney can help you investigate the maintenance and calibration records of the machine.

Contact Us for Legal Assistance

If you were charged with a DUI in Illinois because of your acid reflux disease, know that you are not alone. With the right defense strategy, you can fight false positives on a breathalyzer test and get the justice you deserve.

By working with a knowledgeable DUI attorney and medical professional, you can build a strong defense and protect your rights. Remember, a false positive on a breathalyzer test doesn’t automatically mean you’re guilty. Fight back and protect your rights.

Contact Johnson Law Group to learn more about how we can help.

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