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Case Results

Over 100 Years of Combined Experience on Your Side
  • Case Dismissed State v. D.B.

    Our client had a felony case already, but he wound up being charged with Criminal Damage to Property as a result of marking the metal on a vehicle (or "keying") a car. The State had everything they needed: the damage itself, a witness to our client doing it, and even a video of our client. To make matters even worse, our client confessed to doing it. Our client's case seemed hopeless, especially because of the confession. Then he hired us, and we got to work attacking the evidence in the case, including the video and the manner in which our client supposedly confessed. Result: a few motion hearings later, and the case was dismissed entirely!

  • Felony Dismissed Entirely State v. AZ

    Our client got in an accident when she was under the influence. Having driven into a field, the airbags had deployed, but our client was asleep behind the driver's seat when police arrived. The accident was witnessed by 2 people, and the police developed evidence showing our client had drank a lot of alcohol and taken prescription medication that night. Our client knew her rights, and refused to cooperate. As a result, police sought a search warrant to collect her blood, breath, and/or urine for testing. After being informed of the warrant's contents and being told that failure to comply with the search warrant would result in a felony charge, our client refused to comply. Our client then found herself charged with the felony offense of Obstructing Justice, a Class 4 felony. Normally, the State wants a felony conviction and a conviction on the DUI, which results in the loss of one's driver's license, not to mention being a convicted felon forever. We weren't going to let that happen. We got to work, formulated a strategy, and our client helped us implement that strategy. Result: Felony Dismissed entirely; all traffic tickets dismissed entirely; and Supervision on the DUI. Our client never saw the inside of a jail cell, never lost her license, and was able to return to normal without a felony conviction.

  • Not Guilty State v. AW

    Not Guilty of All Counts of Domestic Battery After Jury Trial!

    Our client was married, and got into an argument with his wife of 20 years. Before he knew it, he found himself charged with 2 counts of Domestic Battery. His case seemed hopeless but our team got to work on the case, and discovered that his wife, who had since coincidentally filed for divorce, had herself been convicted of a domestic offense against our client in the recent past. We were also able to find messages from his wife, in which she admitted to thinking he was filing for divorce, that described what happened, but never said our client actually ever touched her. The State refused to be reasonable and we took the case to a jury. Under cross examination, we were able to show our client's ex-wife was trying to even the odds for a divorce case. We also put the police on the stand and showed how they failed to interview potential witnesses or look into messages from our client's ex-wife. Result: the Jury came back Not Guilty All Counts in less than an hour!

  • Not Guilty State v. JL

    Our client heard a car wreck along a road near his house. Living in the country, he went to help and grabbed his phone, a flashlight, and his gun before leaving the house. Our client found the driver was drunk and a fight ensued after our client called the police. After being viciously attacked, our client shot and fatally wounded the drunk driver. Our client was charged with first-degree Murder, which carried a life sentence, Aggravated Battery, a Class X felony, and Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm, a Class 1 felony. A team of attorneys with an investigator immediately went to work on the case, and a defense was built. Although most Murder cases can take years before trial, we went to jury trial in six months! Result: it only took the jury less than an hour to find our client Not Guilty of all counts! Not Guilty First Degree Murder, Aggravated Battery, and Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm.

    Not Guilty First Degree Murder, Aggravated Battery, and Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm!

  • Not Guilty of Predatory Sexual Assault of Child State v. JD

    Our client was charged with Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Child, a Class X felony offense with a mandatory prison sentence after the alleged victim disclosed that she had been sexually assaulted ten years before. Our team of attorneys got to work on the case, while the State trying to introduce unsubstantiated evidence from things that allegedly happened years ago, something Illinois law allows. JLG formulated a solid defense, as a result of stories not matching up and all of the missing details. By the time trial rolled around, we were ready, and the trial took two days. It took the jury only an hour and half to acquit our client, finding him Not Guilty entirely! At one time, he faced a lengthy prison sentence, ending everything in his life, including his career and his freedom.

  • Charges Dismissed State v. A.D.

    Non-Probationable & Extended Term Felonies Dismissed

    Our client was charged with several serious felonies because cocaine had been sold out of her home. She was extended term eligible (meaning she was facing twice the usual prison sentence) because of her prior criminal history, and could have been sentenced to serve 15 years in prison! As if that was not bad enough, one of the felonies required that our client be sentenced to prison, because it was not an offense for which a person could receive prison. Needless to say, this would be an up-hill battle with the State, and we got to work right away. We worked together to review the evidence, formulate a strategy, and to execute that strategy - and we're happy to say it worked! Result: in just 3 months, Non-Probationable & Extended Term Felonies Dismissed!

  • FFL Revocation Hearing Won
    Our client, who owned his own gun store, had a Federal Firearms License, which allowed him to accept, ship, and sell firearms, that was at risk of revocation. Following an inspection by the ATF, a single violation was found, and the ATF was seeking to revoke his license. Because of issues with federal law, the ATF could not order just a suspension of his FFL, and he could not be made to pay a fine. Thus, revocation was mandatory due to the alleged violation. To make matters even worse, the current administration and political climate meant that our client was likely to have his FFL revoked, and it was clear that our client could be made an example of. We immediately got to work, interviewed witnesses, formulated a defense, gathered mitigation, and developed a compelling case for why he should not lose his FFL. This was an all or nothing case: he could only keep his FFL or lose it. After a hearing that lasted most of the day, we had no choice but to wait. Result: our client kept his FFL!
  • Title IX Hearing Successfully Defended
    Illinois State University had pursued allegations of sexual assault, sexual abuse and harassment against a senior ISU student (D.S.) who was about to graduate. We provided representation up and through the Title IX hearing. The accuser testified that our guy had sexually assaulted her at a campus fraternity. We interviewed witnesses from the party and built a solid defense prior to the hearing. The accuser testified at length at the hearing and pleaded with the University to severely sanction our guy. Then it was our turn -  we presented witnesses who testified that this never happened. In the end, ISU's hearing panel made findings that fully vindicated our client of each and every allegation despite the accuser's lengthy testimony. As a result, a graduation party was held and D.S. was afforded his graduation certificate and an unblemished transcript and was able to obtain professional employment despite the accusations that were made against him.
  • Order of Protection Cases Defended
    Our client (LB) was served with multiple OP cases by several neighbors in his community. Residents of the neighborhood unfairly ganged up on LB and attempted to kick him out of his upscale neighborhood. We defended against all of the OP cases which resulted in several OP cases being dismissed outright. At one point the Judge seriously admonished one of the petitioners, who had filed the OP case, and told him that if he does not leave LS alone, the Court will take it upon itself to pursue action against the petitioner who filed the OP case. As a result of all of the outcomes in several OP cases, our client and his family were able to breathe and live peacefully in the neighborhood thereafter.
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