Breathalyzer Test in Bloomington, IL
Challenging Your Breathalyzer Test Results in IL
In addition to other common methods of field sobriety testing, most law enforcement officers use a Breathalyzer to measure blood alcohol level (BAC), the results of which are used as the basis for DUI charges. No electronic device should be considered foolproof - equipment malfunction or improper use could result in faulty or unreliable results.
To defend your rights in situations which a Breathalyzer was used to determine a DUI charge, our experienced and aggressive attorneys at Johnson Law Group work to develop a strong case strategy on your behalf. Out main priority is defending you from a conviction which could result in serious consequences now and in the future.
To give yourself a strong chance of success against DUI charges, contact our Bloomington & Normal DUI defense attorneys immediately at (309) 565-8825 for a free case review.
Did You Refuse to Take the Breathalyzer Test?
Machines used to measure BAC operate by measuring your breath to calculate the level of alcohol in your blood. The medical community in general considers them to be inaccurate methods by which to measure alcohol content, but Breathalyzers are still used by law enforcement officials because they are less expensive than more reliable methods of testing BAC such as a blood or urine tests.
Nonetheless, Breathalyzer refusal may result in automatic driver's license suspension. It is wise to speak with an experienced Bloomington DUI defense attorney prior to refusing to take a BAC test.
Our DUI defense lawyers have a history of working with experts and consultants who are able to address the technical aspects of each device used to test BAC, including the Intoxilyzer 5000, to challenge the admission of the results as evidence to support the charges against you. Dismissal of BAC evidence obtained by a Breathalyzer machine can often result in substantial reduction of the charges against you, if not outright dismissal.
Begin Today! Call Johnson Law Group.
When your DUI charges are based entirely on Breathalyzer results, it is important to work with attorneys who understand the technology and how it can be refuted. Our Bloomington & Normal DUI lawyers can help negotiate plea arrangements to minimize the consequences of DUI charges and help you to avoid jail time.
To schedule your initial consultation, free of charge, contact our firm today. Call us at (309) 565-8825 or fill out a contact form!

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children