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New Law Gives Four-Time DUI Offenders Chance to Drive Again in IL

Over 100 Years of Combined Experience on Your Side

A new Illinois law is set to allow four-time DUI offenders the chance to drive again. Effective January 1st, 2016, the new law will allow multiple-DUI offenders who have made drastic corrective changes the opportunity to drive with a restricted driving permit. This new law will apply to more than 5,000 Illinois residents who have had four previous drunk driving convictions.

Many drivers are against this law, though safeguards have been put in place to make sure that these provisional licenses are given to the right people. Application for a restricted license is to be a lengthy process subjected to intense scrutiny. Each applicant must obtain affidavits and undergo investigations to ensure that they are fit to drive.

Additionally, an applicant must:

  • Prove at least three consecutive years of sobriety
  • Use an ignition interlock device
  • Drive only at certain times of the day
  • Drive for select purposes such as going to work

Under current law, a fourth DUI conviction leads to indefinite license suspension. After the new law takes effect, this restriction could be partly bypassed with a restricted driving permit; however, if a person with a permit receives another DUI, they will be permanently barred from driving.

If you have been convicted of multiple DUI offenses and are looking to apply for a conditional license, Johnson Law Group can advocate on your behalf and walk you through the process with wise legal counsel. Our legal team has helped thousands of drivers get back on the road.

To learn more, contact a Springfield DUI lawyer from our firm today!
