Gun Crime Lawyer Peoria, IL
About Weapons Offense Defense in Peoria, IL
Our country has a long tradition of lawful firearm ownership. The Second Amendment right to bear arms to defend oneself, one's family and one's community is recognized as among the hallmarks of our free society. Illinois, however, has some of the nation's most restrictive laws regulating the possession, use and sale of firearms.
For example, the state has for many years been the only one in the country that does not have a law allowing citizens to obtain permits for concealed carry of firearms, though a recent ruling of the U.S. Seventh Court of Appeals has ordered the state legislature to provide one.
In light of the different and changing laws from state to state, there are many ways that a person can get in trouble with the law by being involved with firearms, regardless of whether they have broken any other law in the process.
For example, the Peoria criminal lawyers of Johnson Law Group frequently represent individuals who have been charged with offenses including:
- Unlawful possession of firearms
- Unlawful use of weapons
- Unlawful sale of firearms
- Reckless discharge of firearms
- Concealed weapons charges
- Illegal import or distribution of firearms
If you are charged with one of these weapons offenses, then you could be facing penalties for a Class IV felony. These may include between one and three years of imprisonment and up to $25,000 in fines. A judge may also sentence an individual to probation for at least one year in lieu of a prison sentence. If the judge believes that there are extenuating circumstances, then they may elevate the crime.
How Guns Can Lead to Increased Criminal Charges
In some cases, the fact that the suspect was carrying—or used—a gun in the commission of another crime can serve as an aggravating circumstance, which can lead to a tougher sentence. An assault charge, for example, is normally a misdemeanor but can be increased to felony aggravated assault if the suspect is accused of wielding a deadly weapon at the time of the incident.
Similarly, having a gun on your person, in your vehicle or in your home when you are arrested for a drug offense may lead the investigators and prosecutor to assume that you are involved in a more-serious crime, such as trafficking or manufacturing drugs.
Whether you were arrested for an offense involving a prohibited use of firearms or are facing other criminal charges that are enhanced by the presence of guns, don't hesitate to contact our firm for a free case evaluation to discuss the matter and to begin working on a plan for your defense! We make ourselves available 24/7 to answer your questions, because your case is our main concern.
Our legal team may be able to get your charges dropped or reduced by citing illegal search and seizure, lack of probable cause, and other defenses. Call now to get started!

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children