Do You Need a Peoria DUI Attorney?
Defending Clients Facing Drunk Driving Charges!
The biggest mistake an individual who has been arrested for drinking and driving can make is to think that they have no way of fighting the charges or reducing the DUI penalties. People often incorrectly assume that evidence against them is overwhelming because they may have stumbled during a field sobriety test, been tested and found to have a high blood alcohol concentration, or perhaps even admitted to having been drinking before getting behind the wheel.
The truth is that it is always possible to fight for a better outcome in a DUI case. You must remember that you have rights and our Peoria DUI attorneys at Johnson Law Group can help protect them. Our team has provided unparalleled legal representation for their clients for years and can vigilantly defend you after you are put in cuffs for a DUI.
DUI Matters We Handle
- Blood & Breath Tests
- Challenging DUI Evidence
- DUI Accidents
- Driver's License Suspension & Reinstatement
- Multiple DUIs
- DUI Penalties
Contact our firm today by dialing (309) 565-8825.
Understanding Illinois Field Sobriety Tests
Field sobriety tests are a series of exercises that police officers request of DUI suspects to help confirm or deny the suspicion that the individual is intoxicated. Contrary to popular belief, field sobriety tests are not mandatory. Suspects can politely refuse to take the field sobriety test without running the risk of additional penalties. Most of the time, it is wisest to decline to take field sobriety tests, as they may be used against you after your arrest. Two different categories of field sobriety tests can be used in a traffic stop.
Standardized Tests
These field sobriety tests have been approved and regulated by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration. The tests have been modified so that they will be more accurate. These tests include the one-leg stand, the walk and turn, and the horizontal gaze nystagmus test.
This test measures nystagmus, or the jerking of the eyeballs. Often, when individuals are intoxicated, they cannot control their eye movements. The officer will ask you to stand still and keep your head fixed while using your eyes to follow a small object, such as the end of a pen, with your eyes. The NHTSA says this is the most scientific of the three standardized tests used in Illinois.
Non-Standardized Tests
While the NHTSA only regulates and approves three tests for police officers to use during a traffic stop, other exercises are commonly used. Police often use a test that requires individuals to stand with their feet together and tip their heads backward. In this test, the police measure a person's ability to balance.
Also, the police will ask a suspect to count the number of fingers the officer raises or recite a portion of the alphabet. Sometimes, police officers also ask a driver to count backward. While these tests seem basic, nervous suspects may answer the questions wrong, even if they are not intoxicated. Nerves can get the better of a driver, causing him or her to make mistakes.
Rhomberg Stationary Balance Test
Some officers also administer the Rhomberg stationary balance test. This test requires suspects to stand with their feet together and head back while holding their arms to the side. Officers also require drivers to close their eyes and bring their fingers to the base of their noses. Another test called the hand pat test requires drivers to extend their hand out in front, palm upwards, and place their other hand on top of the first, palm downwards. The driver must then pat the lower hand with the upper hand while rotating it.
Challenge Any DUI Evidence Against You
When you retain the professional representation of one of our Peoria DUI lawyers, we can be begin to collect evidence, reports, and witness statements that the prosecution may have overlooked. In some cases, prosecutors will present inaccurate claims as valid proof, and we have been trained to identify and eliminate all falsifications.
By reviewing the stop that led to your DUI arrest, we can determine whether or not your Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures were violated. We will not back down and are willing to fight any accusations, even if it means refuting DUI evidence gathered by field sobriety tests and blood and breath tests.
We Will Treat Your Case as if We Were Defending Ourselves
Are you ready to take action and stand up for your rights? Want to protect your driver's license from suspension? There is no better time to act than right now. Whether you are facing a first-time DUI or multiple DUIs, we are here to fight for you. We have been helping clients reach favorable settlements to all of their criminal cases for years and we can certainly help you too.
Do not hesitate to contact Johnson Law Group to retain our tried and trusted Peoria DUI defense attorneys. You can request your free consultation by submitting our quick and easy online contact form.

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children