Challenge DUI Evidence in Illinois
Can You Successfully Fight a DUI Charge?
According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, in 2002, a total of 51,649 people were arrested for DUI in Illinois. DUI is one of the most common reasons why normal, everyday people are arrested across the United States, and often times it's these individuals who have a lot to lose upon conviction such as their reputation in the community, and their reputation among their colleagues, friends and family.
Unfortunately, those who are arrested for DUI frequently plead guilty and quietly accept their punishment without even realizing that they could have fought their charges with the assistance of an experienced and aggressive Peoria DUI attorney.
Questioning the Evidence Against You
At the Johnson Law Group, our legal team possesses over 100 years of combined experience defending clients against all manners of DUI charges. Through our skilled representation and years of experience challenging DUI evidence in the courts, we have successfully helped our clients maintain their driver's licenses, stay out of jail, and we have helped them achieve reduced or even dropped charges.
DUI and DWI are criminal charges and they are not distinct from other criminal charges, they too can be fought and won when it can be proved that a DUI case lacks sufficient evidence to secure a conviction against our client.
Just a few of the ways that a DUI case can be challenged includes:
- Did law enforcement have reasonable cause for making the traffic stop?
- The breathalyzer test results can be challenged on a variety of grounds.
- Chemical test refusals can be challenged.
- Challenging the driver's performance on field sobriety tests
- The officer's testimony can be questioned including his observation about the driver's behavior, whether the driver made statements about drinking alcohol, and much more.
- Any other relevant witness testimony such as that of a passenger or another driver nearby.
Contact a Peoria DUI Lawyer
At the Johnson Law Group, we have extensive experience defending clients against DUI charges and fighting their driver's license suspension and DUI penalties. There are a number of effective ways that we can procure DUI evidence from the dash cam, the officer's statements, and blood or breath test evidence in order to search for violations of our clients' constitutional rights or other technical errors involving evidence collection and police procedure.
Whether we can discredit the prosecutor's evidence against you or bring to the court's attention our own evidence, we are confident in our ability to challenge all types of driving under the influence charges.
Contact us today at (309) 565-8825 to schedule your free initial consultation.

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children