Juvenile Crime Attorney Peoria, IL
Defending Your Child's Future
As soon as possible after your child has been arrested for a juvenile crime, contact us at Johnson Law Group for a free, confidential consultation with a Peoria criminal defense lawyer. An adjudication of delinquency—the term for a conviction in the juvenile justice system—could have a devastating impact on your child's future.
Our team includes former prosecutors who have inside knowledge of how prosecutors and the courts in Illinois approach cases like yours, and we are ready to put this insight to use in the effort to defend your child's future against the serious consequences that he or she faces.
To make matters worse, a juvenile defendant may be tried as an adult in criminal court if the circumstances of the case are sufficiently serious to warrant this treatment. When this happens, the case becomes a matter of public record, and your child could end up living into adulthood with a criminal record.
Keeping the case in juvenile court has the major advantage of making it possible to have the record sealed and made confidential. Juvenile courts also are more often willing to agree to alternative sentencing proposals, such as counseling or community service in place of jail time.
Common Juvenile Crime Charges
Our juvenile crime attorneys represent clients on a wide variety of common offenses, from DUI and other major traffic offenses, to underage drinking, drug offenses, sex crimes, assault, and theft offenses including shoplifting. Whenever possible, we seek to have the charges in a juvenile case dismissed or reduced without a trial, but we will not hesitate to go all the way to trial if that is what it takes to obtain the justice that your child deserves.
Contact us now for a confidential free case evaluation so we can listen to your child's side of the story and begin working on a strategy.

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children