Springfield, IL Sex Crime Attorney
Types of Sex Crimes in Illinois
Sex offenses are some of the worst crimes that a person can commit. When someone commits a sex crime, victims are violated on the most personal level. Such serious crimes can only be penalized with some of the harshest sentencing in the state. In Illinois, sex offenses range from misdemeanors to felonies depending on the offense.
Lesser Sex Offenses Include:
- Public indecency
- Solicitation of a prostitute
- Prostitution itself
Misdemeanor sex offenses incur up to $2,500 in fines and a jail sentence of up to one year. Most sex offenses are felonies, however, and result in much more severe penalties.
Illinois Sex Crimes Penalties
Criminal sexual assault, also known as "rape," is one of the most serious sex crimes under the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Criminal sexual assault is a Class 1 felony that can land you in prison for up to 15 years.
Aggravated criminal assault, which involves a dangerous weapon, bodily harm to the victim, or other aggravating factors, is a Class X felony that can land you in prison for up to 30 years. Certain aggravating factors can add on another 10, 15, 20, or 25 years, or result in a life sentence.
Facing charges for a sex offense in Illinois? Schedule your free consultation today with our Springfield sex crimes lawyer!
Sex Offender Registration in Springfield, IL
Sex crimes are different than any other crime in that they result in lifetime sex offender registration along with criminal sentencing and fines. Sex offenders must provide their personal information to be made available for public viewing in an online database. This allows others to know where convicted sex offenders live at all times.
Sex offenders are also restricted from living within a certain distance of a school, playground, or other area where children regularly congregate. This makes it difficult to find a place to live after being convicted of a sex crime. Employers are also hesitant to hire individuals with a sex offense on their criminal record, making it difficult to succeed in a career.
Hire a Skilled Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer in Springfield
You cannot afford to wait when it comes to hiring a Springfield, IL sex crimes attorney after being charged with a sex offense. Johnson Law Group can aggressively fight anything from public indecency to aggravated criminal sexual assault. We offer a free case evaluation so that you can understand your options and make an informed decision.
Contact us today to get started on your defense with our Springfield sex crimes lawyers!

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children